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The Grassy property is located 24 km north of Stewart B.C. in the Skeena Mining Division. It lies 6 km north of the former Premier gold mine. The property contains approximately 830.20 hectares in 2 separate claims which are owned 100% by Decade Resources Ltd.

The area is underlain by Hazelton Group rocks of the Lower Jurassic Betty Creek Formation and Lower to Middle Jurassic Mount Dilworth Formation overlain by the Middle Jurassic Salmon River Formation. The bulk of property’s mineralization is located in four areas that have been explored in the past. These areas include the Start, Bush, Lakeshore, Gulley and Rama showings. The majority of the property lies along the NW portion of a geological corridor prospective for gold-silver mineralization that is up to 3 -5 kilometres wide. It is at least 20 kilometres long extending from south of the Premier Mine, north to the Scottie Gold Mine. Within this mineralized corridor, there are a number of gold-silver deposits as well as numerous prospects. Deposits within this corridor include the Premier, Big Missouri, Silver Coin, Martha Ellen, Indian and Mt Dilworth. The property is located along volcanic rocks on the east boundary area of the Texas Creek Batholith, part of the Texas Creek Plutonic suite in the Stewart Area. This suite of rocks is related to alteration and mineralization at the former producing Premier mine (produced 2,300,000 oz gold) 15 km south of the property and the KSM copper-gold porphyries and Brucejack Lake gold deposits (Valley of the Kings deposit has reported 6.4 million ounces in the proven and probable categories-Pretium Website).

Mineralization on the Grassy property is of epithermal, low sulphidation type hosted in felsic pyroclastics of the Mount Dilworth Formation but does not extend into the overlying Salmon River formation. Mineralization generally consists of coarse-grained pyrite, sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite in vuggy quartz-carbonate breccia veins up to 4-5 m wide. Faulting is conspicuous in the area with a strong north trending fabric related to the Long Lake fault . The prevailing orientation of mineralized structures is NW – SE. The most prominent NW-SE mineralized structure hosts Rama vein as well as zone of brecciation and silicification exposed in one of the Bush trenches just west of Monitor Lake. The structure most likely extend NW under the Slate Mountain hosting mineralization exposed by Start adits. The total length of this major structure is at least 2.0 km. Adits are present at the Bush, Start, Lakeshore and Rama showing areas.

The neighbouring historic deposit of Premier-Silbak has been interpreted to be at least partly confined to the upper levels of the Unuk River Formation and lower levels of the Betty Creek Formation. Published data indicates that the Premier gold mine produced 2.3 million oz gold and 50 million oz silver over its production life. Recent work on the adjoining Premier mine indicates a return to production as per Ascot Resource (owner of the Premier property) press releases. In the course of their exploration, Ascot has run IP profile lines. These IP lines have shown a relationship of deposits with low resistivity anomalies. Included is a profile showing a string of anomalies trending towards the Grassy claims.

During the period August 1 to October 15, 2011 an exploration program consisting of rock and soil sampling as well as a total of 604.88 meters of BTW diamond drilling completed in 3 holes from 2 different pads was completed. Rock sampling in areas of previous trenching yielded assays grading 24.3 g/t Au, 241.5 g/t Ag, 2.7 % Pb and 2.42 % Zn. Soil sampling indicated anomalous gold, silver, led, zinc and cadmium.

Drill Hole GN-2011-2 tested the historic Lakeshore showing which contains a quartz breccia vein, striking 300 degrees and dipping 35 degrees southwest, containing pyrite, galena, tetrahedrite and minor sphalerite and chalcopyrite. A historic chip sample from the trench assayed 270.2 grams per tonne silver, 0.1 gram per tonne gold, 3.4 per cent zinc, 3.5 per cent lead, 1.1 per cent copper and 0.08 per cent cadmium across 1.5 metres. Drilling intersected a narrow quartz breccia zone with minor pyrite in the projected down dip extension of the Lakeshore zone. The drill hole did intersect 1, 56 g/t gold over 3.05 metres within a strong quartz stockwork containing minor pyrite and low silver and base metal values.

During the 2019 geochemical program on Grassy property a total of 59 rock samples were collected. Several samples returned anomalous values in gold (up to 1.71 g/t), silver (up to 142 ppm), copper (up to 0.31%), lead (up to 29.4%) and zinc (up to 12.8).

Mr. Ed Kruchkowski, P.Geo (British Columbia), is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 who has examined and reviewed this page and geological information available from public sources related to the property, and is responsible for approving the technical contents of this page. The Qualified Person has not completed sufficient work to verify the historic information on the Property, particularly in regards to the historical drill results and any sampling. However, the Qualified Person believes that drilling and analytical results were completed to industry standard practices. The information provides an indication of the exploration potential of the Property but may not be representative of expected results.

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