It is the start of another field season and the Company has been busy completing property examinations and evaluations, staking claims and carrying out field work. At present, a geological field crew is evaluating a property near Mt Milligan.
Plans for the 2021 field season include:
- Testing gold and copper-silver zones at the Treasure Mountain/Dardanelle properties
- Drilling the bonanza gold and silver bearing structures on the Del Norte property
- Drilling the Lord Nelson property
- Assessment work at other properties in the Stewart area.
The Company has just completed a data search for the Del Norte project. The digitized field data for the 2003 to 2007 exploration was on CD disks making it difficult to extract due to expired operating programs. A consulting firm was hired to access this data on these disks. Data that the consultant was able to extract was extremely useful to the Company in interpreting mineral zone trends and areas for 2021 exploration.
The Del Norte property consists of 5,830.16 ha in 13 separate claims and the adjoining Lord Nelson has 2630 ha in 6 separate claims. The properties are contiguous and are located 34 km east of Stewart BC in the area known as the “Golden Triangle”. They extend from 1 to 10 kilometers south of the paved highway 37A and are 8 km west of an extensive network of logging roads. If necessary, future access can be from road extensions using logging roads along the different valley bottoms. Drill permits have been issued for the Lord Nelson property in addition to one present on the Del Norte property.
Work during the 2020 exploration program has indicated 4 different, north trending, parallel silver-gold bearing structures and shears along sediment/volcanic contacts within the Del Norte property. These include the Kosciuszko, LG vein/Argo, Eagle’s Nest and New structures. The Kosciuszko structure including the K-zone, K-Dog and SP portion has been identified over 1 km of strike length and the LG/Argo structure over 1.2 km of strike length. The Eagle’s Nest structure has been traced over 650 m while the New zone has been observed over 100m. The “14 oz” and NW zone on the Lord Nelson property appear to part of a 1 km long felsic horizon with copper-gold values.
A brief discussion of the Del Norte project is included below along with maps and photos.
Del Norte Project
The Company had an opportunity to farm into a highly regarded but underexplored gold-silver property in the Stewart area. The Company executed a farm-in agreement on this property in December 2019 and applied for drill permits in January 2020.
Del Norte is a large property cut by three gold-bearing streams and featuring multiple styles of mineralization: vein, breccia, massive sulfide and porphyry. Each area in the Stewart area that has placer gold also has a mine/deposit associated with it. At Pretivm/Seabridge you have placer gold in Mitchell and Sulphurets Creek (placer mining ongoing) that drains those properties; at the Premier and Big Missouri gold mines, you can find placer gold below them in the Salmon River; at the Red Mountain gold deposit, you can find placer gold below it in Bitter Creek. All three streams cutting across the Del Norte property contain placer gold: Nelson Creek, Porter/Del Norte Creek and Willoughby Creek. Nelson Creek was reportedly quite rich in placer, and placer mining was conducted by Cominco in the 1930’s, with a fair amount of coarse gold reported. To date, the source of that gold has never been discovered and the Company has not been able to verify the amount of gold or tenor of gravels.
Large areas of the Del Norte property have been weakly explored due to extensive ice and snow coverage. However, the rapidly receding ice has enabled better access to these areas which may host more mineralized zones in addition to those already identified. The attached map shows the various mineralized zones on the property. Drilling has taken place on the property in the period 1990 to 2019, with drilling mostly on the LG vein. Drilling for porphyry copper-gold has taken place in Del Norte Creek in the Hardpan mineral showings. Drilling for VMS deposits has taken place just to the east of the LG and LG Extension veins, now labelled the Argo zone.
The Del Norte property lies along the contact of volcanic rocks to the west and sediments to the east. The contact appears as a structural break and through thrust faulting appears to have repeat sections. Based on 2020 core logging, it appears that most of the gold-silver bearing zones are located within a black mud lapilli tuff unit that is analogous with that hosting the Eskay Creek mine. Mineralization is hosted in quartz veins, sheared graphitic tuff and breccias as well as coarse crystalline base metals in these shear zones. Shearing with associated mineralization has been identified over a strike length of 4 km along the volcanic/sediment contact. To date exploration concentrated on the LG vein, a high-grade gold-silver quartz vein traced for 1.2 km
In addition to the above mentioned mineralized structural break, the property hosts demonstrated porphyry copper-gold mineralization at depth in the Del Norte valley and potential VMS mineralization.
Map showing locations of the various mineral showing on the property.

In 2018 a ZTEM airborne survey flown over the claims resulted in the delineation of 5 gold targets (potential for mesothermal gold mineralization) and 1 porphyry target. One of the gold targets coincides with the LG vein which was drilled between 2003 and 2006 and the K zone which was drilled in 2002. The ZTEM survey indicates the favourable horizon for finding gold mineralization extends the length of the property and is much more extensive than indicated by either the LG vein or K zone occurrences. It also suggests that the hydrothermal activity to which both of these structures is related goes deep, to at least 1,000m.
Exploration in the area of the former LG vein indicated or discovered the following:
- Indicated that the LG vein was part of a larger shear system now labelled the Argo.
- Discovered the Eagle’s Nest zone west of the Argo/LG zone.
- Located a zone called the New zone west of the Eagle’s Nest.
- Interpretation of results on the K-zone (Kosciuszko structure) that indicate it can be traced for 1.0 km.
A photo showing the location of the various structures is shown below:

Kosciuszko structure (K-zone, SP zone and K-Dog zone)
The structure is defined by 3 different zones exposed over a strike length of at least 1.2 km and a vertical height of 200m. It has been explored with 8 drill holes and a number of different chip lines. Most of the structure is obscured by ice and snow or glacial till. The following map shows the results of testing in various locations. Results are summarized in the following tables. Trench and chip line results are tabulated as follows:

Of the 8 holes drilled testing the structure, 7 encountered the structure with 1 drilled in 2006 that was stopped short of the mineralization. Results are tabulated below:

Prior to 2020, the above assays are historical and have not been confirmed by the Company and are used for reference purposes. The Company believes that the results are an indication of the mineralization present in the property area.
The lack of readily available locations for drill pads has resulted in limited exploration to date. The results of drilling indicate a potential for wide widths of high grade gold and silver. Drilling indicates that the zone dips to the east with a strike length of 1 km and a vertical height of at least 200m.
In 2021, the Company hopes to conduct close spaced sampling over the area of the SP zone. In addition, the Company plans to follow up on the results of hole 06-11 which had exceptional grade. Most of this area is above 1500m and it is expected that this exploration will occur later in the field season.
Aerial views showing the structure and various areas of results for the Kosciuszko structure is shown in the attached maps.

Argo / LG structure
The Argo / LG is a gold-silver bearing structure which has been traced by drilling for 900 m and a vertical extent of 240 m. The structure is spatially restricted to a narrow package of felsic volcaniclastic rocks and the footwall contact of the trust zone which are hosted within the contact zone between intermediate volcanic/volcaniclastic rocks of the Hazelton Group and argillites/mudstones of the Salmon River Formation. Sulphides include mostly pyrite, galena and sphalerite with trace to minor chalcopyrite, tetrahedrite, silver-sulphosalts and native gold. The latter two minerals often occur in black graphitic (?) matrix filling interstices between chalcedonic breccia fragments. Sulphide content is usually in the range of 1 to 5%. It has been drill tested in 2003 to 2007 with numerous short holes. Data available for this period was only for the higher grade intersections as released in promotional and press release material. It was also postulated that the K-zone and LG vein were the same structure. Work in 2020 indicates that the west dipping Argo / LG and east dipping Kosciuszko (K-zone) structures do not form a continuous structure.
Significant drill hole intersections from previous work includes the following:

The above assays are historical and have not been confirmed by the Company and are used for reference purposes. The Company believes that the results are an indication of the mineralization present in the property area.
In 2020, significant drill hole intersections for this zone are shown as follows:

Based on the 2020 exploration drilling, it appears that the Argo / LG structure is open to the north and south.
The following 3 photos show core from DDH-20-18, drilled from the most southerly pad along the Argo zone. Sphalerite and galena mineralization are hosted in quartz veins, with ground sulphides in sheared graphitic tuff and breccias as well as massive fine-grained pyrite veins in this drill hole. Width of this zone appears to be 10-15 m and it is deeper than any previous drilling terminating at 234 m in this particular drill hole. The next photo shows a smeared silver sulphosalts associated with pyrite within a quartz vein. The last photo shows coarse sphalerite and galena within the quartz vein.

Section of quartz rich core shown above assayed 6.03 g/t gold and 597.39 g/t silver over 4.95 m. This hole was drilled off a pad that was the farthest south on this structure.
Work in 2021 will test in the immediate area of this intersection to define further mineralization. The intersection is at depth which indicates good potential not only on strike but also at depth. The following 2 photos show a close up of the quartz with the silver bearing tetrahedrite.

Eagle’s Nest structure
With the recent ablation of snow and ice, a new zone called the Eagle’s Nest was exposed. It was traced over a strike length of 650 m and vertical height of 200m. It was drill tested from one location near the centre of the zone. The attached map shows the location of some of the sampling and 2020 drill site.
Some of the more significant surface assays are shown in the attached table:

Drilling was carried out from one site available for construction of a drill pad. Results of this drilling are shown below:

In 2021, the Company plans to have a rock climbing geological crew sample the structure in greater detail.

The Company is very excited by the prospects of further defining multiple high grade gold-silver structures on the Del Norte project. At the start of the 2020 field season, geological information indicated one structure. However, with the historic information and 2020 field results, it appears that there are at least 3 and possibly up to 5 high grade gold-silver bearing zones along a zone of thrust faulting. Exploration in 2021 will build on the results of the 2020 work.

Decade Resources Ltd. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company actively seeking opportunities in the resource sector, mainly in the “Golden Triangle” area of BC. The Company has a 65% interest in the Red Cliff gold-copper property in north-western British Columbia. Decade also has an option to earn a 70% interest in the Del Norte and Lord Nelson properties that host silver-gold and copper-gold mineralization. It has a 100 % interest in the Grassy and Premier East gold-silver properties that adjoin the former producing Premier mine that is being readied for the start of gold production. It has a 100 % interest in the Dar gold property and Treasure Mountain copper-silver and gold property near Terrace BC.
Mr. Ed Kruchkowski, P.Geo (British Columbia), is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 has prepared this report based on Company data and geological information available from public sources related to the property, and is responsible for approving the technical contents of this page. The Qualified Person has not completed sufficient work to verify the historic information on the Property, particularly in regards to the historical drill results and any sampling. However, the Qualified Person believes that drilling and analytical results were completed to industry standard practices. The information provides an indication of the exploration potential of the Property but may not be representative of expected results.
Ed Kruchkowski
Gary Assaly
Investor Relations
Company website: